Talking books on DVD - how they work.

This is a sort of karaoke story telling on DVD. Most of us already have DVD players (which a tiny child can (astonishingly) work from about age 3 onwards) so you don’t have to buy an expensive new gadget. Kindles look great but they are expensive and fragile too; they're not toys for little children.The story is illustrated and has animations, music and sound.
As you hear me read the text, you see the word I read change colour and be underlined. So when your little one wants this story yet again and you’re falling asleep, Aunty Lesley (that's me) will read it yet one more time so you don’t have to.

The package contains:
A video of the story.
A video of the comprehension - that's questions about the story to check if your child has understood.
Running time of the 2 videos: 13.51 minutes.

There is an extras folder where you’ll find the PDFs to print off on your own computer-
A colouring book.
A big book of the story A4 size.
A little book of the story (quarter A4 sized, bookleteer form).
A story cube which covers two pages, an inside and an outside of a cube.
A comprehension without the answers for your child to complete.
A DVD sleeve.

Use it at home. Because the words change colour when I read them, a beginning reader can easily see which word is being read. Your child can join in with me, or read by themselves with the sound turned off.

Use it in the classroom. It’s also good in the classroom as an English-language learning tool for non-native speakers. I’ve been a primary teacher for 15 years and I’ve seen that little children are used to the medium of TV and love to see animated stories on the whiteboard, but it makes delivering the planned lesson a nightmare when the internet is down. But this story is on a dvd so you don't need the internet!